Luxury Resorts and Destinations


El mundo está lleno de experiencias por vivir

Be World Experiences Tal y como afirmaba Lao Tzu, “un viaje de mil millas comienza con el primer paso”. Un primer paso da lugar a un maravilloso viaje. Así de simple.

Lentore Top Lodge 2019 for Nomad

Nomad, the East African Magazine For Intrepid Travellers, selected Lentorre as one of the top 4 Lodge resorts. There is nothing better than to be recognize for the work done,

Memories of Africa at Lentorre / Kenya

“I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills”… Remember these words from Isaak Dinesen in Out of Africa/ Memorias de Africa? Well, you can spot

Closer to India

Unwind India with Be Marketing and Status Quo Travel If there was a destination that our team was really looking forward to work with, by all means it was India.