Intelligent Luxury. The new way for UHNW travelers.
Big crisis always change people and the perception they have about their lives, about how they live, and most importantly about the purpose of life. Suddenly the vision of our personal relationships throughout the daily routine changes. We start to value specially the time with family and friends and we recognize the essence of mindful moments. A perfect example of this are the moments spent during holidays and most important what you/we do with our time. Time is Luxury and now even more for wealthy travelers. If there is one thing rich people will decide during their lock down, wherever they are in their mansions or big houses, will be about where will they spend next holidays when all this is over. We, in Be World can bet you, that destinations such as Soneva will gain share in that decision after this crisis. Let us explain why.
The message of “Intelligent Luxury”, is the guiding principle that Soneva is standing for since many years, revealing more than ever the significance for the luxury traveller of the world. Intelligent comes from Latin word – “Intelleco”, whose meaning is “to understand”. Luxury is often misunderstood with material objects, but Luxury is a philosophy, essentially something that is Rare.
“Inspiring a Lifetime of Rare Experiences” has been the brand tag line of Soneva since 5 years. This represents the essence of what Soneva is all about. Lifetime; because it remains in your memory for ever, Rare; because it is difficult to find even if you are rich, and Experiences; because it is not the material things that makes us happy and you remember, on the other hand are these unique moments shared during the stay at a Soneva Resort.
We suggest you watch carefully this video link, which in less than 4 minutes reflects the essence of luxury in a new world to come. Why is more relevant now? Here are some hints:
1- Space and privacy becomes as a real essence of luxury, versus the crowded cities and houses – boxes we live in the big cities
2- Being a Family owned project versus institutionalized luxury at corporate brands. Tailor made experiences, done with care and passion of the owners and the hosts
3- Rare Experiences, for the urban rich, unique ones such as swimming with Manta rays or dolphins, or having a fresh rocket salad just taken from the organic garden, or simply having a nice outdoor dinner under the stars and having Buzz Aldrin (second man on the moon) sharing his experiences.
4- Combination of Luxury – Wellness and Sustainability. Because they are not opposite, rather than live hand by hand. They work in perfect harmon and complement each other. Social responsibility and having respect for the local community adds even in a more powerful way a strongest message to the success of this message.
Clearly this COVID will make us see things in a different way. Luxury will not be anymore about things and objects but something else. The cabinets are filled of jewels, the garages of the rich people are full of cars. But is this enough? We know it is not. One might be one of the richest people in the world, but can one walk barefoot for a week ??
This is why we are looking forward to Experience lifetime of Rare Experiences… only at @Soneva
Be World / Be Marketing is since more than 8 years collaborating with this incredible project
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Redaction. Alfonso Martinez Fischer